Vacation Request (1/21/23 - 1/19/24)
In accordance with PFMD SOP 101.04, this is an announcement regarding the procedures and timeline for submitting pre‐scheduled leave requests for the 2023 bid‐year. Each member may request up to a maximum of 10 days. Partial Leave (any request less than 24 hours) will be counted as one of the ten allowed days. A maximum of seven leave requests may be approved for any given time (7 per shift). Approval will be given in the order of overall seniority (time on the job), regardless of rank, with the highest seniority members receiving priority. If a member submits more than 10 requests, those additional requests will be deleted without consideration by the staffing BC. Requests not approved will remain in TeleStaff for potential approval due to future cancellations, but will count towards the members ten (10) prescheduled days. Any request made during the pre‐scheduled submission period, and later approved, will remain seniority based in priority. The period for 2023 pre‐scheduled leave is 1/21‐2023 – 1/19/2024. Members may submit their requests for pre‐scheduled leave into TeleStaff from 12/19/2022 through 01/03/2023.
Prescheduled and FCFS Leave‐Request Timeline for 2023 Bid year
*12/15/2022 Rebid day‐1
*12/16/2022 Reserved for possible Day‐2 of Rebid
*12/19/22 - 01/03/23 Membership submission period for 2023 pre‐scheduled vacation picks.
*1/4/2023 Starting 01/04/23, until your FCFS date, no leave requests can be submitted for any date beyond 1/19/23. If you submit such a request during this time, it will be deleted.
*1/15/2023 All Leave‐Requests for 2023 will be approved or pending by this date at 2359.
*1/16/2023 First come, First Serve Vacation submittal for A‐shift starts @ 0800 on this day.
*1/18/2023 First come, First Serve Vacation submittal for B‐shift starts @ 0800 on this day.
*1/20/2023 First come, First Serve Vacation submittal for C‐shift starts @ 0800 on this day.
*1/21/2023 Rebid move day